23 May 2021

[LIBRO] The Babel of the unconscious: Mother tongue and foreign languages in the psychoanalytic dimension.

Amati-Mehler, S Argentieri, J Canestri… - 1993 - psycnet.apa.org

Abstract The originality of" The Babel of the Unconscious" lies in its pathbreaking utilization of a new methodology to explore [issues of language in psychoanalysis]. Gathering all the evidence derived from the clinical experience of polylingual psychoanalysts working with …

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[LIBRO] Psychoanalysis: From practice to theory

J Canestri - 2006 - books.google.com

With contributions from leading European and American psychoanalysts, this innovative text systematically investigates and analyses the relationship between clinical practice and psychoanalytic theories. It examines clinical practice experience in detail and links it with the …

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The Babel of the unconscious

Amati Mehler, S Argentieri, J Canestri - International journal of …, 1990 - pep-web.org

This paper is the result of personal clinical experiences, during which the patient and the analyst did not communicate in the same so-called'mother tongue': the commonly used though not strictly correct expression by which we define the language in which the child first …

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J Canestri - International journal of psycho-analysis, 1994 - pep-web.org

In this paper, through the microanalysis of a session of a very disturbed patient, the author attempts to underline the relevant importance of the formulation of the interpretation, which should not be split off from its content. He thinks that the psychoanalysis of these closing …

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[LIBRO] Putting theory to work: How are theories actually used in practice?

J Canestri - 2018 - books.google.com

This book contains a continuation and expansion of the topics covered in the author's previous book, Psychoanalysis: from Practice to Theory, about the use of theories in analytic practice. As a member of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) Conceptual …

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[LIBRO] Early development and its disturbances: Clinical, conceptual and empirical research on ADHD and other psychopathologies and its epistemological …

J Canestri, M Leuzinger-Bohleber, M Target - 2018 - books.google.com

In this volume internationally well known experts discuss whether psychoanalysis-with its rich mix of clinical experiences and conceptualizations of early development and symptoms- has something unique to offer through deepening the understanding of children suffering …

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[HTML] cairn.infoACNP Full Text

[HTML] Le concept de processus analytique et le travail de transformation

J Canestri - Revue française de psychanalyse, 2004 - cairn.info

Dans ce travail, l'auteur s' attarde principalement sur deux thèmes: le concept de processus analytique et le travail de transformation qui s'y produit. Pour ce qui concerne ce dernier, il s' occupe d'un des éléments qui contribuent à rendre la transformation possible: précisément …

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The logic of psychoanalytic research

J Canestri - Pluralism and Unity?, 2018 - taylorfrancis.com

In this chapter, the author aims to expand on some ideas that he developed in 1993 for a conference on the meaning of Jewishness in S. Freud's work, and to widen the field that he took into consideration at that time—the work of the creator of psychoanalysis—so as to …

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ACNP Full Text

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Development of affect in bilingual patients

J CanestriReppen - International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 2000 - pep-web.org

The Moderator, Jorge Canestri, introduced the panel members to a receptive audience and highlighted the importance of the panel's topic. Irene Cairo Chiarandini introduced her paper,'Listen to my mother tongue: creating an affective truth through bilingualism', by asking …

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The babel of the unconscious

…, S Argentieri, J Canestri - The International Journal of …, 1990 - search.proquest.com

This paper is the result of personal clinical experiences, during which the patient and the analyst did not communicate in the same so-called “mother tongue': the commonly used though not strictly correct expression by which we define the language in which the child first …

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[PDF] istitutoricci.it

Some reflections on the use and meaning of conflict in contemporary psychoanalysis

J Canestri - The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 2005 - Taylor & Francis

The author reflects on the concept of conflict in contemporary psychoanalysis, and especially in European psychoanalysis. In the latter, this concept does not seem to have aroused significant interest. This does not necessarily mean that conflict has been rejected …

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Notes on linguistic activity and psychoanalysis

J Canestri - Changing Ideas In A Changing World: The Revolution …, 2000 - pep-web.org

In a book with the impressive title Psychoanalysis: Toward the Second Century, Arnold M. Cooper (1989c) wrote:“Psychoanalysis may be characterized as an attempt to decode, that is, interpret, a patient's communications according to a loosely drawn set of transformational …

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ACNP Full Text

Supervision in der psychoanalytischen Ausbildung: Zur Verwendung impliziter Theorien in der psychoanalytischen Praxis

J Canestri - Psyche, 2007 - pep-web.org

Die Geschichte eines Konzepts zu untersuchen, seine Entwicklung und seine Wandlungen zu verfolgen sowie die Einbindung in die Theorie kritisch zu prüfen ist in jeder Disziplin ein lohnendes Unterfangen. In der Psychoanalyse aber ist der Einsatz der historisch-kritischen …

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[LIBRO] The experience of time: Psychoanalytic perspectives

J Canestri, LG Fiorini - 2018 - books.google.com

In contemporary psychoanalysis, the concepts of time and history have become increasingly complex. It is evident that this trend offers us an opportunity to think about the intercrossing of the different temporal dimensions imbuing the subject, an inevitable aspect of the analytic …

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[LIBRO] The logic of Freudian research

J Canestri - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com

The author, who has been working for some years on the concept of'figuration', proposes in this chapter to shed light on an essential aspect of Freud's epistemology—that of its being closely linked with inner experience. Canestri's paper discusses Freud's method of …

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[PDF] oup.com


Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder: a window on the emotional world of Parkinson disease

…, AR Bentivoglio, M Mazza, A Martini, J Canestri… - Sleep, 2015 - academic.oup.com

Study Objectives: REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a parasomnia characterized by
motor activity during sleep with dream mentation. Aggressiveness has been considered a
peculiar feature of dreams associated with RBD, despite normal score in aggressiveness …

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[LIBRO] A cry of fire: some considerations on transference love

J Canestri - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com

This chapter discusses the relation into certain letters Sigmund Freud wrote to CG Jung and Pastor Pfister several years earlier. The evolution of psychoanalytic thought on the type of patient described by Freud as sensitive only to “the logic of soup, with dumplings for …

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La fantasia scientifica.: Una nota di lettura sulla “Sintesi delle nevrosi di traslazione” di S. Freud

J Canestri - Rivista di Psicoanalisi, 1986 - pep-web.org

Un vecchio baule pieno di documenti, che era stato consegnato da S. Ferenczi a M. Balint e da egli conservato, ci offre, grazie alle cure e al sapiente lavoro di ricerca di Ilse Grubrich- Simitis (d'ora in poi citata come IG-S.), un prezioso anello intermedio, uno “Zwischenglied” …

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Un'alternativa inesistente: terapia e conoscenza in psicoanalisi

J Canestri - Rivista di Psicoanalisi, 1982 - pep-web.org

Gli analisti, abituati—almeno così si presume—ad essere presi in cura dalle parole ed a prendere esse in cura, non possono sorvolare sul significato problematico ed incerto delle parole che concorrono nel titolo dì questo congresso.Non è questo un buon motivo per …

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J Canestri - 2005 - austriaca.at

An epistemological chapter by the philosopher of science and psychoanalyst Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch introduces the three sections of the volume. The first section is devoted to interdisciplinary investigations on conscious and unconscious processes in psychoanalysis …

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Comments on therapeutic action

J Canestri - The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 2007 - Taylor & Francis

I shall begin by paraphrasing Sander M. Abend's two preliminary assumptions. He reminds us that in the psychoanalytic literature, the theory of therapeutic action is rarely explained without ambiguity, regardless of the psychoanalytic school being referred to. Consequently …

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[PDF] cocolog-nifty.com

The case for neuropsychoanalysis

J Canestri - The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2015 - Taylor & Francis

Among a number of aims pursued by the authors of this paper, one was to analyse and discuss the objections and criticisms that have been made towards the discipline founded by the same authors–namely neuropsychoanalysis. My commentary will not focus on these …

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Nota su due saggi di GC Lepschy: Due argomenti nell'intersezione tra linguistica e psicoanalisi

J Canestri - Rivista di Psicoanalisi, 1983 - pep-web.org

Mi occuperò in questa nota di due saggi del linguista italiano Giulio C. Lepschy che presentano, a mio avviso, un interesse particolare per la psicoanalisi. Per il non specialista riporto due notizie biografiche sull'autore tratte dalla copertina di uno dei suoi libri. Giulio C …

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Sogni, semiosi e interpretazione. I sogni nei processi clinici contemporanei

J Canestri - Psicoanalisi, 2009 - francoangeli.it

Considerare i sogni nei processi clinici contemporanei significa dare per scontato che sia avvenuto un cambiamento rispetto al passato. Nell'uso che ne facciamo nel processo analitico? Nella posizione che assegniamo loro nella teoria? Per poter valutare un …

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Kósmos makrós, Chrónos parádoksos

J Canestri - Psicoanalisi, 2011 - francoangeli.it

«Kósmos makrós, Chrónos parádoksos (l'universo è grande, il tempo è sorprendente) solo il greco sulla pietra ha le parole per questo», sono le ultime tre righe della poesia di Wisława Szymborska Il bagaglio del ritorno (Bagaż powrotny). I versi della Szymborska saranno il filo …

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[LIBRO] Religion und Fanatismus: psychoanalytische und theologische Zugänge

R Anselm, W Bohleber, J Canestri, M Charlier… - 2010 - books.google.com

Nach dem 11. September 2001 hat sich das Thema» Religion und Fanatismus «mit Vehemenz ins öffentliche Bewusstsein gedrängt. Wir sind mit dem Phänomen konfrontiert, dass es vor allem orthodoxe und konservative Strömungen in den verschiedenen …

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[LIBRO] Pluralism and Unity?: Methods of Research in Psychoanalysis

J Canestri - 2018 - books.google.com

This book compiles the papers presented at an International Conference," Pluralism of Sciences: The Psychoanalytic Method between Clinical, Conceptual and Empirical Research" in 2002. It provides the variety and diversity of psychoanalytic research cultures …

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[LIBRO] Emotion in the psychoanalytic theory

J Canestri - 2012 - books.google.com

This chapter represents an attempt to analyse the concept of emotion in psychoanalysis following the historical and conceptual path of the Freudian theory of affect. Two main foundations of the theory are the dynamics of Herbart's representations and Fechner …

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Some questions on virtual reality and psychoanalysis

J Canestri - Challenges of Psychoanalysis in the 21st Century, 2001 - Springer

The following notes and questions on the issue of virtual reality from a psychoanalytical point of view were written as an outline for an exchange of opinions at a round table. This is, therefore, not a paper about this theme, nor will these notes acquire any full meaning if they …

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Controversies on different approaches in psychoanalytic research on early development and ADHD

M Leuzinger-Bohleber, J Canestri… - Early Development and …, 2018 - taylorfrancis.com

Surprisingly, psychoanalysts have only during the past few years actively engaged in the on- going and very important controversial discussions on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD is one of the most frequent diagnoses of children and adolescents. There …

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Riflettere sul confine: interno ed esterno. Considerazioni conclusive

J Canestri - PSICOANALISI, 2019 - francoangeli.it

Queste osservazioni si centrano sull'“inclusione dell'altro” di cui parla Jürgen Habermas (1996) e seguono il filo dell'analisi che Emile Benveniste dedica al duplice significato della parola “ospite” in latino: colui che accoglie e colui che viene ospitato. Ma perché hostis e …

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Supervision in psychoanalytical training: the analysis and the use of implicit theories in psychoanalytical practice

J Canestri - Putting Theory to Work: How are Theories Actually …, 2018 - books.google.com

The objective of this work is to propose a comprehensive reflection on the concept of supervision and on its function in psychoanalytical training. Particular attention will be given to the use of the analyst's implicit theories in clinical practice. An example of a supervision …

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The art of Interpretation: Deconstruction and new Beginning in the Psychoanalytic Process Wolfgang Loch edited by Peter Wegner L

J Canestri - International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 2007 - pep-web.org

I welcome with enthusiasm the first translation into English of Loch (1993). This book is a little masterpiece that clearly exemplifies the author's methodology. His style, characterized by a deep analysis of the texts and a profound and original refl ection on them, allows him to …

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Language, symbolization, and psychosis: An introduction

J Canestri - Language, Symbolization, and Psychosis, 2018 - taylorfrancis.com

The title of this book, in which a group of eminent psychoanalysts express their friendship to Jacqueline Amati Mehler and at the same time pay tribute to her contributions to psychoanalysis, clearly indicates its subject matter. From different points of view and using …

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[HTML] bvsalud.org

[HTML] Grupo de Trabalho sobre questões teóricas

J Canestri - Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise, 2010 - pepsic.bvsalud.org

Estas notas oferecem um panorama dos últimos dez anos de trabalho do Working Party on Theoretical Issues, da Federação Europeia de Psicanálise. Descrevem projetos de pesquisa, começando pelo tema das teorias implícitas, pré-conscientes e privadas do …

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[HTML] bvsalud.org

[HTML] Entrevista da Associação dos Membros Filiados: sobre a formação do psicanalista

J Canestri - Jornal de Psicanálise, 2011 - pepsic.bvsalud.org

AMF− Será muito interessante entrevistá-lo, porque em Bogotá tivemos a oportunidade de entrevistar o Dr. Bolognini e ouvi-lo sobre um assunto que é de nosso maior interesse, a formação psicanalítica. O senhor traz a ideia da" movimentação das escolas psicanalíticas" …

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[HTML] Le paternel, le tiers et la tiercéité

J Canestri - Revue française de psychanalyse, 2013 - cairn.info

… clear Citer cet article Français. ISO 690, FR, Copier Canestri Jorge, « Le paternel, le tiers et la tiercéité », Revue française de psychanalyse, 2013/5 (Vol. 77), p. 1582-1585. DOI : 10.3917/rfp.775.1582. URL : https://www.cairn.info/revue-francaise-de-psychanalyse-2013 …

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La via del confronto: una nota di lettura sul libro “Sulle spalle di Freud” di R. Speziale Bagliacca

J Canestri - Rivista di Psicoanalisi, 1983 - pep-web.org

Questa nota sul libro di R. Speziale Bagliacca non è una recensione, bensì un commentocirca un aspetto del libro, quello in cui mi sembra d'identificare la sua ipotesi generatrice. Ioravviso una tale ipotesi nella diagnosi psicoanalitica che l'Autore fa, guarda caso, della …


Presentazione delle Note storico-critiche

J Canestri - Rivista di Psicoanalisi, 1984 - pep-web.org

… Home; Contents; Document. Logout Tip: To see Abram's analysis of Winnicott's theories… PEP-Web Tip of the Day. In-depth analysis of Winnicott's psychoanalytic theorization was conducted by Jan Abrams in her work The Language of Winnicott. You can access it directly …


Nota introduttiva al lavoro di Jaime Szpilka

J Canestri - Rivista di Psicoanalisi, 1985 - pep-web.org

La Rivista di Psicoanalisi pubblica in questo numero la traduzione del lavoro del 1981, inedito, del Dott. Jaime Szpilka intitolato: “Edipo precoce, effetto retroattivo (Nachträglichkeit) e conflitto psichico”. L'autore, psicoanalista di lingua spagnola, è nato a Varsavia nel 1937. Ha …


On “Negation”: some reflections following in Freud's wake

J Canestri - On Freud's “Negation”, 2018 - taylorfrancis.com

This chapter reviews the Freudian concept of negation. Probably the considerations that Sigmund Freud gives to the object in his model are those that allow a glimpse of the problems resulting from non-neurotic pathologies. Melanie Klein was perhaps the first to …

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[PDF] unirioja.es

Alcune riflessioni sull'uso e sul significato di conflitto nella psicoanalisi contemporanea

J Canestri - Psicoanalisi, 2008 - francoangeli.it

In questo testo non tratterò la storia del concetto di conflitto, o delle variazioni che ha subito, entrambi già presenti nei lavori di Freud e dei suoi successori; né analizzerò le diverse posizioni di ben noti teorici del conflitto, che sono principalmente nord americani …

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[HTML] aperturas.org

[HTML] La lógica de la investigación freudiana

J Canestri - Aperturas Psicoanalíticas, 1999 - aperturas.org

Este artículo propone una reflexión sobre la lógica de la investigación freudiana, sobre la estrategia que orientó el pensamiento y los esfuerzos del creador del psicoanálisis a lo largo de su vida. Tomando en consideración la notoria distinción de K. Popper entre la …

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Sprache, Neurowissenschaften und Psychoanalyse

J Canestri - Forum der Psychoanalyse, 2012 - Springer

In dem vorliegenden Beitrag werden vor dem Hintergrund neuester Erkenntnisse aus der Linguistik, der Neurolinguistik und den Neurowissenschaften allgemein einige Gedanken zur Verwendung der Sprache in Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie ausgeführt. Das Fazit …

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Le bien-fondé de la neuropsychanalyse

J Canestri - LAnnee psychanalytique internationale, 2017 - cairn.info

2.«Le Cerveau–est plus vaste que le Ciel–Car-posez-les côte à côte–Le premier contiendra l'autre Facilement–et Vous-aussi–Le Cerveau est plus profond que la mer–Car-comparez- les–Bleu sur Bleu–Le premier absorbera l'autre–Comme les Eponges–font–des Seaux …

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Les constructions dans la pratique analytique

J Canestri - 2008 - cairn.info

Quelle que soit la réflexion sur le concept de construction, celle-ci ne peut, à mon sens, être dissociée d'une réflexion identique sur le concept d'interprétation. Les deux concepts s' appuient sur une certitude commune concernant l'existence d'un sens ou d'une signification …

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The 42nd International Psychoanalytical Association Congress, Nice, France, 2001: Foreword



J Canestri - International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 2001 - pep-web.org

The theme of the 42nd International Psychoanalytical Association Congress is Psychoanalysis: method and applications, and it touches upon the very essence of our discipline. The psychoanalytic method, like those of other scientific disciplines, responds to …

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Psychosexuality: The uses and abuses of excitement and its objects

I Cairo, J Canestri - The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2005 - Taylor & Francis

This very timely panel began with Spezzano's paper, entitled 'Near life experiences: Living off projected excitement', which is based on his experience with certain types of patients (both female and male) who experience sexual excitement as threatening, and/or …

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Introduction to Gampel and Puget

J Canestri - International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2020 - search.proquest.com

In both texts the authors seek an answer to what they both consider to be missing in psychoanalytic theory: how to define the concept of'social','social subjectivity','social pain'and'the pain of the social'? Puget suggested an expansion of the concept of OWP …

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A Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective on Confabulation: Commentary by Jorge Canestri (Rome)

J Canestri - Neuropsychoanalysis, 2000 - Taylor & Francis

DeLuca's paper presents the psychoanalyst with several interesting points: an accurate examination of a pathological phenomenon (confabulation) whose definition, uniqueness, and causality are still under discussion; an alternative model constructed on the cognitive …

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[HTML] Friedrich Hölderlin: dissonance et réconciliation

J Canestri - Topique, 2009 - cairn.info

En référence aux travaux de J. Laplanche sur la signification du père dans la dynamique interne de Hölderlin, et sur la fonction de restauration que la poésie peut exercer quant à cette figure, l'auteur fait appel à deux autres concepts. Celui de réparation tout d'abord, en …


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[PDF] alsf-chile.org

[PDF] Sobre el origen intrapsíquico de la matemática

J Canestri, S Oliva, A Autopercepcion - Aperturas Psicoanalíticas, 2000 - alsf-chile.org

Debemos a Ferenczi un escrito pionero destinado a indagar el origen de las capacidades matemáticas. El texto al cual nos referimos, Matemática, escrito por el año 1920 y publicado póstumamente en el 1939, hoy parte de las obras de Ferenczi (Bausteine zur …

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[PDF] apuruguay.org

[PDF] Algunas reflexiones sobre el uso y el significado del conflicto en el psicoanálisis contemporáneo

J Canestri - The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 2005 - apuruguay.org

En este trabajo, no trataré de la historia del concepto de conflicto o las variaciones que ha sufrido, tanto en la obra de Freud como en sus sucesores; tampoco analizaré las diferentes posiciones de los teóricos del conflicto más conocidos, que son principalmente de Norte …

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The diffusion of psychoanalysis in China: otherness and transformations

J Canestri - Psychoanalysis in Asia, 2018 - taylorfrancis.com

Psychoanalysis came into existence and was developed in Western countries, where a rather limited level of" alterity" has been elaborated. The concept of" other" is naturally local, and in general the West, and more specifically Europe, has considered as" other" all that is …


Letter from the President of the European Psychoanalytic Federation: Looking at the future of the EPF

J Canestri - The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2017 - Taylor & Francis

It is, however, fundamental for me to underline the contributions made by all the previous Executives–particularly the one directly preceding us with the presidency of Serge Frisch– which have meant that today we have a great number of societies that make up the EPF, an …

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Do analysts do what they say they do?

J Canestri - Putting Theory to Work, 2018 - taylorfrancis.com

This chapter presents three sessions of psychoanalytic case material which are from the four times a week (Monday to Thursday) analysis of a late forty-year-old female medical doctor in a field unrelated to mental health. It aims to elaborate Dr Holmes' analytic thinking, not her …

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This contribution is based on two works by Joseph Sandler (the second written in collaboration with Anne-Marie Sandler) published in 1983 in the International …

J Canestri - Psychoanalysis on the Move: The Work of Joseph …, 1999 - books.google.com

The purpose of the second paper was to formulate certain theoretical proposals that link the topographical and the structural concepts of Freud's thinking on the constitution of the psychic apparatus. The authors translate these proposals into a theoretical scheme—the …

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J CANESTRI - austriaca.at

The fact that analytical practice, named the “talking cure”, as well as the theory on which it is based, has to come to terms with language and the various disciplines that deal with it, may appear to be a truism. However, in psychoanalysis this confrontation is not treated with the …

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Education Section

J Canestri - International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2009 - search.proquest.com

During 2006 and 2007 the Education Section of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis published two works on the meaning and importance of infant observation in the training of analysts. As usual we asked for contributions from colleagues from the three IPA regions. In 2006 we published …

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J Canestri - Revue psychoanalytická psychoterapie, 2013 - pep-web.org

In this paper, through the microanalysis of a session of a very disturbed patient, the author attempts to underline the relevant importance of the formulation of the interpretation, which should not be split off from its content. He thinks that the psychoanalysis of these closing …

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Interpretation and construction: the work of transformation in psychoanalytic practice

J Canestri - Reading Italian Psychoanalysis, 2016 - taylorfrancis.com

This chapter brief illustrates that follow, with regard to the first, written by Luciana Nissim Momigliano in 1984, this represented a truly epoch-making text in Italy, and soon also won international recognition as such through Cesare Sacerdoti's request that it be translated …


[LIBRO] Language, Symbolization, and Psychosis

G Ambrosio, S Argentieri, J Canestri - 2018 - books.google.com

First published 2007 by Karnac Books Ltd. Published 2018 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX144RN 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business Copyright © 2007 Giovanna …

  Articoli correlati

Discussion of William B. Carey's Paper: Coping with children's temperament: Early development and its disturbances

J Canestri - Early Development and Its Disturbances, 2018 - taylorfrancis.com

William Carey defines temperament as' the characteristic way with which the child experiences and responds to environmental stimuli', and he outlines a short but interesting history of the concept—from the Romans and Greeks to the research carried out by Thomas …


ACNP Full Text

Quelques idées sur la diversité des théories psychanalytiques et sur une perspective d'évolution pour la psychanalyse: un commentaire

J Canestri, L Cecotti - Revue française de psychanalyse, 2018 - cairn.info

Je saisis avec plaisir l'invitation de César Botella de continuer par écrit un dialogue commencé à la suite de sa remarquable conférence de l'année passée à la SPP. Revoir le texte de ses propositions m'a semblé très productif: tout contact avec une réflexion …

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Commentary by Jorge Canestri (Rome)

J Canestri - Neuropsychoanalysis, 2002 - Taylor & Francis

In his introduction to the section``A Psychoanalytic Concept of the Self''of his paper, David Milrod underlines how in psychoanalytic literature there is a great deal of confusion around the meaning of terms such as``the ego'',``the self''and``the self representation''. Does the …

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Le fil rouge

J Canestri - 2021 - cairn.info

Éloge de la phobie, par A. Birraux (épuisé) L'enfant autiste, le bébé et la sémiotique, par P. Delion (2e éd.) L'enfant autiste et le psychanalyste. Essai sur le contre-transfert dans le traitement des enfants autistes, par Martin Joubert L'enfant autiste et le psychanalyste, par …

Procesos de subjetivación

J Canestri - Revista de Psicoanálisis, 2016 - pep-web.org

En este trabajo excelente, por forma y contenido, Sapisochin promueve más de una hipótesis, pero la tesis central es resumida por el autor en el primer párrafo: la diferencia entre generaciones es considerada «el articulador metapsicológico y clínico del acceso a la …

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 [HTML] ANDRÉ GREEN Les voies nouvelles de la thérapeutique

R Britton, J Canestri, A Ferro - 2021 - cairn.info

Partant du constat d'un renouvellement de la pratique psychanalytique, en particulier la fréquence des traitements en face à face, ce recueil impressionnant prolonge les recherches antérieures d'André G reen sur les avatars de l'articulation de l'intrapsychique et …


Carta del Presidente de la Federación Psicoanalítica Europea (EPF): Mirando el futuro de la EPF

J Canestri - The International Journal of Psychoanalysis (en …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis

Sin embargo, me es fundamental subrayar las contribuciones hechas por todos los miembros anteriores del comité ejecutivo-en particular los que nos precedieron directamente en la presidencia de Serge Frisch-que han resultado en que hoy tenemos un …

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O conceito de processo analítico eo trabalho de transformação

J Canestri - Revista de Psicanálise da SPPA, 2004 - revista.sppa.org.br

… Palavras-chave. Processo analítico; Trabalho de transformação; Teorias implícitas; Modelo imaginário; Modelo teórico. Texto completo: PDF. Referências. ABEND, S. (1990). The psychoanalytic process: motives and obstacles in the search for clarification. Psychoanalytic …

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Identidad e identidad de género a través de las lenguas

…, S Argentieri, J Canestri - La babel del …, 2002 - pesquisa.bvsalud.org

Se aborda desde la dimensión psicoanalítica el multilingüismo en la clínica, escasamente investigado, quién sabe por qué motivos inconscientes. Incluye raíces históricas del polilingüismo y del poliglotismo en el psicoanálisis; literatura psicoanalítica sobre el …


Traducción posible, traducción imposible

…, S Argentieri, J Canestri - La babel del …, 2002 - pesquisa.bvsalud.org

Se aborda desde la dimensión psicoanalítica el multilingüismo en la clínica, escasamente investigado, quién sabe por qué motivos inconscientes. Incluye raíces históricas del polilingüismo y del poliglotismo en el psicoanálisis; literatura psicoanalítica sobre el …


La difusión del psicoanálisis y la celebración de los cien años de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Internacional

J Canestri - Revista de Psicoanálisis, 2011 - pep-web.org

Es un verdadero placer y un gran honor participar con vosotros en esta actividad organizada por la Asociación Psicoanalítica de Madrid, destinada a festejar los cien años de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Internacional. Agradezco vivamente vuestra invitación, ya …

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Conversazione con Jorge Luis Borges

J Canestri - Rivista di Psicoanalisi, 1985 - pep-web.org

Conobbi Borges quando avevo pochi anni, giacché mio padre pensava che l'ascolto del “dire” dei poeti era un'esperienza necessaria per l'anima infantile. Le riunioni della Accademia Argentina de Letras ospitarono dunque, frequentemente, un bambino a volte …

[HTML] The stupid lady

J Canestri - Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise, 2009 - pepsic.bvsalud.org

O presente documento diz respeito a uma experiência clínica de shuttle, análise realizada em uma língua que não é nem a língua materna do paciente nem a do analista. É uma oferta interessante dois pontos para reflexão sobre os problemas do idioma na prática …

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 [HTML] Les figures du temps dans la vieillesse et la méthode de la diversion chez Montaigne

J Canestri - Revue française de psychanalyse, 2009 - cairn.info

Les figures du temps dans la vieillesse et la méthode de la diversion chez Montaigne La psychanalyse est porteuse d'une révolution équivalente à celle de la physique au XXe siècle pour ce qui est du concept de temps et de temporalité. L'après-coup freudien en offre …

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III. Les constructions dans la pratique analytique

J Canestri - La construction en psychanalyse: Récupérer le …, 2015 - books.google.com

Quelle que soit la réflexion sur le concept de construction, celle-ci ne peut, à mon sens, être dissociée d'une réflexion identique sur le concept d'interprétation. Les deux concepts s' appuient sur une certitude commune concernant l'existence d'un sens ou d'une signification …